
Decentralization of services and territorial economic development

Giancarlo Canzanelli

The decentralization of functions from central government to local administrative levels is the basis for a sound policy to encourage the production of wealth and the active participation of people in the development of a country.

The process of devolution always meets various cultural, political, administrative and financial obstacles, and it has to answer questions like: to what extent should you decentralize and autonomize the functions? Until which administrative level? How to articulate the national and local roles and competencies, taking into account the specificity of each country? How to train good managers and staff? Which tools do you use to make decisions?

This paper shows the ILS LEDA proposal to articulate national and local powers, from a tool which analyzes the need for services for territorial development and designs systems for LED.
The tool can be useful it is needed devolution of functions and powers from central government.

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