The Program for Integrated Human Development (PDHI) in Angola was operational since1999 until 2003, with the aim of accompanying the process of economic reactivation and social recovery of the Provinces of Bengo, Benguela and Kwanza Sul.
ILS LEDA supported the establishment of three Local Economic Development Agencies to provide technical and economic support to the provincial and municipal authorities, and local actors, in the planning and implementation of reconstruction activities.
The three LEDAs were:
ADEB (Province of Bengo)
ADEO (Provincia of Benguela)
SDEKS (Province of Kuanza Sul)
The agencies involved in the main actors of the territory, the public sector, the private sector and the civil society, which together with local governments, were committed to define and implement the projects considered as priorities for economic development, the generation of income and the inclusion of disadvantaged groups of the population.
ILS LEDA supported also the creation of a National Network of Angolan LEDAs for maintaining relations with the international system of LEDAs, through the UNDP/UNOPS ILS LEDA service. The network allowed the LEDAs to exchange experiences and elaborate agreed market strategies, while connecting them with the ILS LEDA world network of LEDAs, and facilitating international partnerships.
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