
UNDP KOSOVO, 2012-2013

UNDP KOSOVO, 2012-2013

ILS LEDA supported UNDP Kosovo in elaborating the socio-economic develpment strategy for the Dragash Municipal Area, through using the RESCO Method.

The specific objectives of this action were:

  • Elaboration and delivery of updated strategic guidelines for Dragash area
  • Agreement among the local actors from Dragash area belonging to Bees, Forest, Herbs value chains about the constitution of the correspondent Forums, specifying their objectives, organization, modalities of functioning, tasks and their attribution to the Forum. This includes building capacities of the local actors (at least some of them) for endorsing the role of technical support to the value chains at the end of the program
  • Strengthening capacity and tools of the Bees value chain in the Dragash area.
  • Strengthening capacity and tools of the Forest products value chain in the Dragash area.
  • Strengthening capacity and tools of the Herbs value chain in Dragash area. Strengthening capacities of LAG for being a sustainable participatory instrument for supporting economic development in the Dragash area.
  • Detailed assessment and analysis of obstacles and opportunities in relation to the economic situation in North Kosovo. The analysis will include a mapping of prospective value chains for the region, and for each municipality separately.
  • Plan on crucial and recommended measures to improve the competitiveness of private sector in North Kosovo

The main results were:

  1. The general ILS LEDA RESCO methodology (Analysis of the Resources for Sustainable Competitiveness), tested ad used in many ART GOLD programs, was adapted to the Dragash context and put at disposal of the local actors, mainly simplifying the standard one. Through it guidelines for the analysis of the competitive and sustainable resources were provided. It was discussed and endorsed to the Program staff in Dragash, for a preliminary assessment. The results were received, and they were used as input for the work in the field. 
    The RESCO approach has been applied through the utilisation the action-research process.

    On the basis both of the adequateness of the results achieved during the action-research and of the possibilities of achieving first, visible, relevant, highly interactive and strategic socioeconomic results in short times, the 5 value chains of the bees productions, forest products, herbs, milk-meat and tourism have been prioritized.

    Through the utilization of the action-research the strategic guidelines for the bees productions, forest products, herbs, milk-meat value chains have been established.
  1. Three Integrated Projects were elaborated and organized in a modular form, including different and adequate percentage of research, training, support and technical assistance activities, as needed.
  2. On the base of the large ILS LEDA experience on designing territorial service systems and mechanism, including financial and not financial assets, three different options for the service sustem were identified for the Dragash case.
  3. The economic development strategic plan for the Municipality of Dragash was elaborated, and it includes
  • establishing a sound governance of the economic system;
  • improving the economic performance and competitiveness of the local value chains:
  • establishing a system for providing comprehensive services for local economic development;
  • designing and creating the conditions for the implementation of priority projects;
  • realising and implementing an effective territorial marketing;
  • improving capacities on economic development planning
  • 02 January 2019
  • Europe

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