
Closure and results of the project to strengthen Morazan small entrepreneurs

El Salvador: On Friday, June 9 ADEL Morazán closed the project "Strengthening the organization, association, competitiveness and access to the market of small producers of 7 agricultural subsectors in Morazán Department", funded by European Union and own funds. The main objective of this initiative was to facilitate the participative and shared definition and implementation of LED strategies with a focus on equitable and sustainable development, based on their own potential and a value chain approach.

The project was executed with 500,000 euros. This fund was distributed in four broad areas: (1) corporate organization and partnership; (2) capitalization, innovation, productivity improvement and competitiveness; (3) marketing; and (4) resource management and articulation with other stakeholders. 

In presenting the results of the project, ADEL Morazán's executive director, Alejandro Benítez, highlighted as main achievements the establishment of two organizational structures designed to operate at different hierarchical levels of production representation in Morazán: on the one hand, at the first level there are the Tables of Sub-sectoral Production (MPS) of Apiculture, Handicrafts, Coffee, Henequen, Vegetables, Livestock and Tourism; and on the other, the Forum of Economic and Productive Development of Morazán (FDEP). 
This forum is a mechanism for concerted, articulated and multilevel linkages between the public and the private, between the governmental's offer of services  and the specific demand of customers - enterprises, groups and entrepreneurs. This effort produced the mobilization of technical and material resources, management and successful approval of 49 grant applications totaling US $ 1,581,756.42, financed by eight national and international donors, benefiting a total of 28 agricultural cooperative associations, actively integrated into MPS and FDEP. 

In addition, the active participation of the producers of the sub-sectoral tables has been promoted, guaranteeing the rational and transparent use of resources. Throughout the process, a total of 70 groups have benefited, i.e. associations, cooperatives and 19 individual MYPES, representing a population of 1,905 people, 53% are men and 47% are women. 

by ADEL Morazan



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